Friday, May 22, 2009

What is Zoho

Introduction to Zoho
Recently I found a wonderful web-based tool, Zoho, for instructors. Zoho is a suite of online applications (services) that users sign up for and access from their Website ( The suite includes many applications similar to Microsoft Office and other Internet tools, such as email, wiki, meeting, chat, etc. The applications and the files you created are all set and saved on their website. Users can access their databases wherever they can link to the Internet at any time. The collective services are convenient and helpful for Internet users. The applications are free for individuals and some have a subscription fee for organizations. I consider this will be an effective and efficient web-based platform for ESL/EFL teachers and learners. 

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Summative Self-Evaluation for e-Portfolio Applications

At the end of the semester, the students can be required to put down the following in their summative evaluations:

(1) What are my reflections on my own and my classmates’ works?

(2) What did I learn from my own and my classmates’ projects?

(3) How can I or my classmates improve our works in the future?

Formative Self-Evaluation for e-Portfolio Applications

For the management of e-portfolio applications, during the whole semester, formative self-evaluations can be used to support ongoing constant efforts by the students.

In the formative self-evaluations, the students can be required to put down:

(1) What and when did I post my work(s) during the previous 2 weeks?

(2) Who offered comments/suggestions on my work(s) during the previous 2 weeks and when?

(3) To whose project did I offer comments/suggestions during the previous 2 weeks?

(4) What are my reflections on my own and my classmates’ progress during the previous 2 weeks?

Instructional Management of e-Portfolio Applications

E-portfolio is a highly student-centered activity. The ongoing or constant endeavors by the students display and reflect the characteristics of the application. Effective management has, therefore, become crucial for the success of the application to TESOL. Formative and summative self-evaluations could be useful tools for the instructional management. The teacher can require the students to post a formative self-evaluation in their portfolio bi-weekly and a summative self-evaluation at the end of the project.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Implications of TOEFL iBT

According to the TOEFL website, TOEFL iBT (Internet-Based Test) is a kind of integrated test for non-native examinees. In the new test, the receptive skills (listening and reading) are tested separately [similar to the PBT (paper-based test) or CBT (computer-based test) in the past] but using longer passages. The tests of productive skills (speaking and writing) are adroitly integrated with receptive skills.

This testing style implies that language skills should be taught and presented/performed as a whole in the long run. For convenience (or laziness?), we habitually deal with 4 skills separately in the EFL classrooms and naively hope that learners’ performances will be the sum of the separate skills. In the hometown of examinations, such as Taiwan, China, etc., teaching is seriously guided and oriented by tests. Traditional paper-based tests have seriously led TEFL to focusing more on intensive reading and grammar/translation. The TOFEL iBT warns and reminds us that teaching English as a whole is a must and is the only choice for better outcomes. EFL policy makers and teachers should seriously take this into consideration. Now that teaching is oriented by tests, we should not be led by traditional paper-based tests but by TOEFL iBT. More skill-integration activities should be adopted in EFL classrooms.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An OOS/RSI Prevention Tool--Break Reminder

Nowadays more and more people can’t live without the Internet, including individuals involved in the e-TESOL activities. The problems caused by computer use are becoming more and more concerned. If we don’t pay attention to the issues, our health can be damaged or even ruined. These problems are known as OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome), RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury - USA), MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorders - Europe). CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) and CVS (Computer vision syndrome) are also related to computer use. These injuries are becoming more and more omnipresent in this information technology era. OOS, RSI, MSD, CTS and CVS can become very painful and unbearable if not treated early and properly. Naturally, the best strategy is prevention. The “Break Reminder” is a program that helps prevent or manage those problems or conditions.
Since I didn’t mention this helpful software in my book, I’d like to recommend it to all e-TESOL participants here. The “Break Reminder” consists of a tiny interface that independently runs in the background while the user is using the computer. It can monitor or supervise the computer use, and reminds (or can force) the user to take a break to user-chosen settings. Users can download and install the trial version of the program directly from various websites on the Net.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Availability of AT & T Natural Voices

In my book, I recommended AT & T Natural Voices when I introduced ReadPlease TTS applications. The software was available on ReadPlease website when my book was published. The ReadPlease website announces that they no longer sell AT & T Natural Voices. The voices are available on Text-Aloud ( now.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another Tool for Internet Safety: AVG Anti-Rootkit Free

In addition to Anti-Spyware Free, GRISOFT also released AVG Anti-Rootkit Free for Internet users. According to the site, it is a powerful tool with state-of-the-art technology for detection and removal of rootkits. Rootkits are used to hide the presence of a malicious object like Trojans or keyloggers on a networked computer. If a threat uses rootkit technology to hide itself it is very hard to find the malware on a user’s PC. AVG Anti-Rootkit gives users the power to find and delete the rootkit and to uncover the threat the rootkit is hiding. ESL/EFL teachers or students may also visit to download and install the application to protect your networked computers.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Apology for the header errors in my book

I sincerely apologize for the errors on the headers of Chapter 7. Although I myself edited the manusrcripts 5 times, I didn’t find the mistakes. I’ll correct the errors for the next print/edition (if any). Any error information will be earnestly appreciated.